Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Primary Research

One of the UT projects asked participants to:
“Imagine creating your own personal map of the area, eg. quiet places to sit, favorite parks, family histories, unhappy memories and bad smells”

I love this idea. I decided I wanted to create a collective map of all the experiences (good and bad) of the people who live in my local neighborhood!

I really feel that this is what creates spirit of place, it’s not just about the geographical landmarks but about how areas hold memories and experiences and how people interact with their environment emotionally. So my research question is:

Is it possible to create a map that communicates spirit
of place?

Whilst doing my primary research I discovered this blog set up for the area. I got in touch with the guy who runs it and he put my questionnaire up online, which was great. I got a few replies and some emails from other creatives in the area working on similar projects.


It also made it onto some twitters!

This made me realise how passionately people feel about their community and living here.

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